The elevator industry is constantly trying to improve the flow of urban life. From fascinating new technologies to exciting innovations and fresh design techniques, there is always something new in this innovative and continually growing industry.

As you know, construction workers are a dedicated bunch. They’re willing to work hard and put in the long hours that are often required by their industry. But even the most dedicated workers can’t get everything done when they’re spending an average of a third of their time waiting for materials or tools. This provides an opportunity to greatly increase productivity, which is why the elevator industry has developed the new Jump Lift Technology, which improves personnel and material movement while speeding up the completion of construction projects by weeks and months.

The Jump Lift drastically reduces the time it takes to complete a construction project. During the building phase, Jump Lifts make effective use of the elevator shaft. External hoisting systems can be supplemented or completely replaced using it. It can also function in any weather situation, in addition to being faster and safer. The mobile machine room is erected and the elevator may begin to service the first few levels after the construction has reached the floor specified in the jump plan, which is normally between the fifth and tenth floors. Jump Lifts follow the building as it rises, serving new levels after each leap.

After the construction is finished, switching to the permanent elevator is simple and quick. The Jump Lift equipment is replaced with permanent elevator equipment, the vehicle and landing door materials are finished, as well as permanent signalization is installed.

The developmental stage of the new technology has shown drastic beneficial results new innovative technology and has put the industry the ability to speed up the projects and complete them ahead of the schedule.

However, the new technology requires close collaboration between the elevator sector, construction sector, and the customers to jointly perform at speed towards the same goal and the same deadline. Also, the success factor depends upon the feedback collected and addressing the problems quickly during the collaboration.


Jump Lift has benefits in terms of vertical transportation speed and load capacity since it employs the permanent elevator hoistway. Workers, their equipment, and materials get at their destination floor faster, resulting in daily time savings per worker.

You may save a lot of money on daily labour expenditures by allowing workers to spend more time working rather than commuting or waiting for goods to arrive. Furthermore, the structure may be completed and handed over sooner, allowing the owner to get a quicker return on their investment.

All Jump Lift transportation takes place in the building’s permanent elevator shaft, allowing construction to continue uninterrupted regardless of weather conditions.

All municipal rules and elevator codes are followed by Jump Lift. It has automatic doors, so it’s just like any other elevator in terms of safety. Furthermore, unlike exterior hoists, it has no possibility of being disconnected from the structure, which might cause significant property damage and personal injury.

Because of the faster elevator speed and automated doors, the transportation capacity is far superior than standard outdoor hoists.

Exterior hoists can be eliminated, the façade can be covered sooner to weatherproof the structure, and the inside can be finished sooner.

To minimize downtime during leaps, the jumps are meticulously planned. Jump Lift does not experience downtime as a result of inclement weather.

After the construction is finished, switching to the permanent elevator is simple and quick.

There is no waste of important site area, which is a significant advantage for congested city-centre locations.

On-site logistics are improved by having a dedicated mode of movement for people, materials, and merchandise.

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