Overhead traction elevators are the most commonly used traditional elevator which has been used for over a long period of time in the economy. The reason why it is popular is because of its higher efficiency along with a lower power consumption compared to other related elevators. An overhead traction elevator uses a rolling steel rope over a pulley for pulling the elevator car. These pulleys are referred to as sheaves. The system uses a counterweight system in order to lift the elevator car. Compared to the traditional Overhead traction elevator which uses steel rope over a pulley, the modern overhead traction elevator uses flat steel belts for operating the elevator car. The high friction coating provided on the steel belts replaces the need for timely lubrication and maintenance. Moreover, the flat steel belts are light weighted along with a carbon-fiber core which makes the functioning not only smooth but also reduces the energy consumption for operating them especially in the case of high-rise buildings which have significantly higher usage.

Advantages of Having Overhead Traction Elevator in Your Buildings:

The Operating speed of Overhead Traction Elevators is extremely blistering as it offers an unlimited travel range. This makes it a great choice for high-rise buildings that requires multiple ups and downs every day. It is not only a faster option but also offers a smooth and comfortable ride to the passengers.

Due to the absence of timely lubrication, Overhead traction elevators require minimal or no maintenance as it does not require any hydraulic lubricants for their functioning. This marks good news to people who do not want to spend much on timely greasing and maintenance.

Energy Efficiency
The design and mechanism of overhead traction elevators are made in such a way that the power consumption is brought down to an extreme. Similarly, the counterweight-balancing mechanism eliminates the need for energy consumption for pushing or pulling the car. On the other hand, other types of lifts require more energy because they either push or pull the car.

Choose the best lifting solution for your construction by seeking assistance from our team of elevator experts. Expedite’s elevator experts can help you choose the right one based on your requirements.


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